Hamilton City Council expansion required stage 3 Pukete wastewater plant upgrade that involved the design and construction of upgrade works to ensure the WWTP can effectively treat increased plant inflows up to a maximum of 50,000 m³/d average dry weather flow (ADWF), the forecast flow for 2027, while delivering improved environmental outcomes by more reliably and resiliently meeting treated effluent quality requirements
ControlLogix racks and I/O were connected and SCADA integration into the existing system for both treatment plants. All racks, I/O cards, VSDs and other item connected were programmed into new site PLCs.
All VSDs, Modbus controlled devices and devices connect to the ethernet allowed to bring back the same data as existing devices. All I/O programmed with the correct tags using similar structure as the PLC program. Ethernet switches added to the existing ethernet network, programmed and setup. Programmed all PanelView’s at both plants and connected to network at both treatment plants.
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